Kyle Devlin
The work of Kyle Devlin is an accumulation of Visionary Art styles integrating fractals, Mandalas, and sacred geometry. He interprets ancient and metaphysical symbols through a psychedelic lens. With high attention to symmetry and the balance of light and shadow, Devlin aims to externalize inner dimensions of consciousness.
After suffering a traumatic brain injury in 2003, Devlin’s healing has depended greatly on the creation of new neural synapses. At the core of his recovery, he credits the development of regular creative practice and both mental and physical exercises. Some of Devlin’s rituals that influence his art include chanting Kundalini mantras, Qigong, yoga, breathing & meditation, ceremonial plant medicine, cannabis, psilocybin, float tanks, energy work, EFT, as well as traditional archery.
Devlin currently lives and works in Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
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