The SIX “P’s” of Art: Part 2

The Show Must Go On In our previous post we discussed the foundational elements of  Product, Price, Promotion, and Place.   We now add on (as promised) Presentation, Personality and as a bonus- Performance.   Before we begin, we suggest knowing these rules, and then forgetting about them.  Why?  It will ruin the fun and spontaneity of making art.  (Hey, […]

The Four (The SIX) “P’s” of Art: Part 1

How To Get More Work Selected (and Sell) While we always start by saying that art is never one size fits all, and the process of curating and displaying works can also be much the same.  However, there are several general principles that in an ideal world should guide the process of establishing your brand, […]

Your (Brand)Art Here

At The Very Least, Coming to Terms With Consistency While art is never a “one size fits all” approach for both artists and consumers, one of the most important aspects to consider in one’s artistic journey is the concept of branding.  When you hear the word branding, there is usually something that comes to mind- […]

Welcome To The Gallerist!

Musings and Insights From Real(istic) Art Gallery Owners Hello and welcome to the launch of “The Gallerist”, a blog devoted to giving artists and art lovers alike an inside perspective on the essentials of art galleries, and their (still) ever-important role in today’s arts and culture marketplace.  Through our collective experiences and art dealings, we […]